Definitive program
Theme 1: Towards a definition of research archives
This brings up the question of what is meant by the concept of archival research for an archivist or a researcher, depending of their country. Is this concept different in applied research of fundamental research? Do the different meanings of the term " research archives" affect the collection, processing and communication practise, and what are they ? Given the international experience , it seems interesting to compare the diversity of our interlocutors and practices and how we deal with them on a daily basis.
Theme 2 : Tools and Methods
A laboratory or a research structure whatsoever , is a very special place in which the archivist is required to develop communication skills and specific tools for researchers, unit managers and institutional governance . What tools or procedures are used to start a process of systematic or rational collection ? What sort of communication or valuing actions can be developed around these tools? In a research structure, what can bring the archivist and how recognition of its technicity, expertise ( or skills) can participate to favor the dialogue with researchers ? Finally, what can archivists from other countries can bring to deepen the focus on these practise? In the context of pooling means and resources and speeding up the research process, how can the archivist ease its own work? How can the archivist put to good use the existing networks that combine information specialists and researchers ?
Theme 3: Electronic Records
More and more frequently , research laboratories are grouped into collaborative structures using tools and supports that require a huge investments and , in fact, are sometimes shared at an international level . What are the strategies the archivist can adopt to fulfill his/her mission of preserving data and bring advice including legal advice to harmonize and manage research data preservation? What sort of partnership are to be developed , which actors can be involved and what tools could be put into use to best meet the needs of laboratories and governance institutions ?
Theme 4: Needs and opportunity of preserving research documents?
Any policy (or lack of policy ) induces staffing adequate resources and the need to make choices. Does archival preservation of research only intend to protect the rights of researchers and the exploitation of an enclosed and well idnetified heritage? What could be the prospects of valuing such archives and is it possible to speak of historic or scientific re-exploitation or scientific archives?
To fulfill the needs and practices of researchers and laboratories , is collecting archives really necessary ? What dialogue to establish between research professionals and archivists to facilitate the development of archival awareness? Finally, what tools can facilitate this dialogue?
Theme 5:Valuing and using archives as documentary sources
Archives, libraries, museums : all these structures manage heritage data for research. Research projects at a national and international level are intended to implement research webportals that aggregate data that can be stored either in archives , libraries and museums.
These programs require close collaboration between professionals who are often quite different from each other regarding their professionnal practice.